A new set of Noahs face a scary ecological crisis. Mr. Noah and the Second Flood, an animated adaptation of Sheila Burnford's 1973 children’s book is a prescient story about the end of the world for humankind.

Mr. Noah, a descendant of the original ark builder, lives with his wife and family on a peaceful farm far above the World Below. Every year a banker brings him gold bars and newspapers to keep him up-to-date. Our story begins when Mr. Noah realises that the World Below is facing another existential crisis and decides that he must act!. With the help of his wife and children (and a helpful Penguin), he sets out to build a New Ark. As the sons grow into young men, they head off to the World Below to prepare the animals for what is to come. They discover that the situation is far worse than they imagined. Nevertheless the sons attempt to complete their mission. Back at the Noahs’ farm, the Banker tells the Noahs about plans to abandon earth – leaving all the animals behind. When Embarkation Day finally arrives, Mr. Noah realises that the situation for the animals was much worse than he thought. An old tiger explains what happened to the sanctuaries and Mr. Noah makes a devastating decision.

The History
The Mr. Noah project began in 2018. Shebafilms and Rear View Mirror Productions made a commitment to adapt the works of Sheila Burnford in order to bring her back into public awareness, especially in Northwestern Ontario where she wrote and based her most famous work: The Incredible Journey.
Mr. Noah and the Second Flood was a children’s book written by Sheila Burnford that foresaw the end of the world due to pollution and human carelessness with the earth. It was published in 1974 and was illustrated by Michael Foreman.
In 2017, Jonquil Covello and her sisters gave the production team permission to create an animated series from the story.
By 2018, we had a working script and began the storyboarding process. Martin King joined the team as an animator/artist to create the initial storyboards and animatic.
The pandemic arrived early in 2020, however work on the project continued, slowly, as it was possible to work from home on storyboards and script adjustments. Zoom meetings were held to keep everything moving forward.
An additional animator, Rommel Jay Cayanga, was hired in 2021. By the end of 2022, five additional animators had been hired to complete work on the project.
In October 2022, the dialogue was recorded with local actors. Additional recording was done in December 2023 due to adjustments made in the script since the initial recording. By the end of December 2023, the principal work on the project was completed. Final revisions, sound mixing and music was completed in May 2024.